Montezuma Veterinary Services

298 W. General Crook Tr.
Camp Verde, AZ 86322



walking dog gif

2 patients of ours have recently been diagnosed with Heartworm Disease. Both of these patients were born and raised in Camp Verde with no exposure to any other city or town. Heartworm Disease is a real and present danger; it is a serious and potentially fatal disease. All dogs are at risk for heartworm disease no matter where they live, and the danger of dogs getting it in Camp Verde is very large.

Heartworms are transmitted to dogs by mosquitos. Without the administration of a heartworm preventative, your pet could get Heartworm Disease - a potentially fatal illness of the heart and lungs. Mosquitos transmit immature heartworms from infected dogs to healthy dogs. Please be cautious of any symptoms that your pet may be experiencing. In the early stages of the disease, many dogs show few or no symptoms at all. Signs of heartworm disease may include coughing, rapid/difficulty breathing, lethargy, decreased appetite, and weight loss.

Heartworm is a very serious and progressive disease. The earlier that it is detected, the better chances are that your pet will recover. Detecting the presence of heartworms with a heartworm test administered by a veterinarian is very important. The test requires a small sample of blood from your pet and the results will be available in about 15 minutes. All dogs should be tested annually for Heartworm Disease.  

Fortunately, Heartworm Disease is highly preventable with a very effective, safe, and convenient medication that is available for purchase at our clinic. If you have any questions regarding Heartworm Disease or any concerns that your pet may have been infected, please do not hesitate to call us and we will be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns.

2 December 2019

Parvovirus in Canines

Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can quickly have fatal effect in puppies. Parvo can be transmitted by any person, animal, or object that comes in contact with a contaminated dog's feces. Parvo is highly resistant and can live in the environment for months. Our team members at Montezuma Vet have seen a distressing amount of positive Parvovirus cases recently and we would like to help educate our community about the importance of vaccinating your puppies and being aware of the symptoms of Parvo.

Parvovirus affects mainly puppies and younger dogs, however older dogs can catch the virus as well. Puppies who are weaning and up to 8 months of age are most at risk of catching the virus. To help decrease the chance of your pet catching this disease, please consider vaccinating your pup as early as 6 weeks of age. We recommend giving your dog a series of 4 vaccinations, boosting each vaccine every 3 - 4 weeks until your pet is 16 weeks old. Additionally, the vaccine should be boosted every 1 to 3 years. Parvovirus should be considered a core vaccination for all puppies and adult dogs. Please contact our clinic if you are interested in getting your pets vaccinated!

In hopes that we may help our community better recognize the signs of Parvo, here are a few noticeable symptoms of Parvo. If you have a puppy experiencing any of the symptoms, please contact us right away and we will provide you and your furry friend with prompt attention.

Diarrhea is commonly the first symptom of Parvo. Stools will become very runny, they will produce a foul odor, and in some cases, the stool may contain blood. As the disease progresses, the blood will turn darker.

Vomiting will normally appear after the diarrhea, however it can be one of the first symptoms. At first, your puppy may experience vomiting, however if your pet continues to vomit/retch periodically, please consult a veterinarian right away.  

Lethargy, exhaustion, or depression may not be noticeable at first, but if your dog has come in contact with Parvo, extreme weakness will become much more noticeable over time as the virus progresses.

Diarrhea, vomiting, and decreased appetite are big contributors to dehydration. Signs of dehydration in canines include sunken eyes, dry gums, and rubbery skin. You can check your pup's skin elasticity by pinching some of the skin at the scruff of the neck. If the skin does not immediately slide back into place, your pet is dehydrated.


If your puppy is experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact Montezuma Vet immediately and schedule an appointment. Our team members hope that this information has been useful for the Yavapai County community and we encourage you to stay educated about the dangers around you!

2 December 2019